Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I'll Be Home for Christmas..

Maybe I should take Josh Groban’s “Noel” CD off repeat? Or maybe it is because all of my friends going home are talking about Christmas with their family? Whatever it is, the last few nights I have had dreams of Christmas time at home! They don’t make me sad as much as they make me laugh- the things I dream about are ridiculous. The first dream I was just going home for the weekend and I couldn’t decide if I should stop and eat at Punch with all the workers and catch up, or if I should just take the pizzas home to my family? haha Ridiculous, but it gets better. The next dream I was waking up really early (missing my alarm in real life, nice.) and when I went downstairs Alan was sitting at the table with a hot pot of coffee and banana bread- apparently Jean and Alan slept over for Christmas? Anyways, I was so excited about this pot of American coffee as we sat and chatted about my European experiences.

Weird, I know. So all this just to say that I am feeling a strong connection this week with Josh Groban as he sings “I’ll be home for Christmas.”

Love you guys!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awwww-your too cute. I told Jeanie that your blog today made me laugh and cry all at the same time. I don't dare allow myself to think about you not being here for Christmas--I will get all lonesome -and feeling sad for myself and the rest of us here BUT Really---I am not sure I can feel too sad for you --I mean the French Alps for Christmas???? Who gets to do that but the rich and famous? You are where you are supposed to be Baby and you have been blessed with a wonderful Host family. Enjoy ALL the advantages you are being blessed with this year-take LOTS of pics and when you come home we'll have all the time we want to hug and cuddle and talk over every picture and hear every story a hundred times and well never turn the American coffee pot off. ok? Love you so Much. Thank you for blogging. It is fun or us to see. Mom