Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mon stage! (My internship!)

I remember having a conversation with Lindsay when I first arrived in Paris. I dont remember my exact location or what I was going through but I think her words will forever stick with me. I was telling her how uncomfortable I was ALL the time and how challenging it was. Her response really changed my point of view on how I was going to live my life- she said, "Well get used to it if you really plan on being a leader."

Kind of overwhelming when I am amidst the most uncomfortable moments, but I cant tell you how encouraging it is to see progress.

Anyways, I bring this up because I had to remind myself as I am again committing to push myself this semester. Next step for me: internship!

So I met with the woman in charge of Internships at my school here in Paris. She gave me the name of l'Atelier Guy Martin, this beautiful cooking school in the 8th. Amazing, right?! Guy Martin is a respected chef in Paris with several popular restos, but his school is for everyday people who love cooking and want to take either a class or several.

Its all in french but you should definitely check out the site:

It just gives you a little idea of the atmosphere.

But, I didnt automatically just have the internship. I had to call them myself and set up an interview. Ahh. Horrible. I swear I have bad hearing so I have avoided the phone in french almost entirely up to this point (everyone texts anyways, right?!) So I ask to speak with the guy and ramble off my lines I practiced and he was like "J'ai mal a comprendre"_ or I cant understand you basically. Then he says "Would this be easier in english?" hahah ahh so Not the most graceful beginning, but I guess we all start somewhere. Luckily when I went for my interview this morning I could understand him and vice versa.

My job is to be translator :) I will start with translating their recipes into english, which in all honesty will be like learning an entirely new language! These are a little more complex than your mammas chocolate chip cookies so most of the terms I don't even know how to say in english, let alone in french! They also asked if I would be interested in helping out at big events? Yes please! He introduced me to all the guys and gave me a quick tour of the "offices," which include several gorgeous and fully equipped kitchens, private work spaces and then a room with a large table covered with everybodys laptops . That is where I will be working with my laptop :) so exciting!

So wish me luck- I start tomorrow morning 9 AM!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL - ok so that MIGHT have been harsh of me to say?!?! lol - I just believe in you SO much and I know that you are going to do great things! I want you to be the best you can be and be strong!

We will talk more about this in TWO WEEKS....